Passionate about sustainability

Initiatives for environmental consideration

Why Apeos?

Innovative environmental technologies that reduce power consumption and improve overall energy efficiency

Fujifilm values that sustainable printing often involves adopting new technologies and practices that improve overall efficiency. This can lead to innovations that benefit other areas of the business as well. Sustainable printing not only benefits the environment but also aligns with broader corporate social responsibility goals.

At Fujifilm, we began to develop environmental technologies, including multifunction devices with greater energy efficiency and a toner with a low fusing temperature, as well as reusing and recycling products before other companies in the industry.

Implementing sustainable printing practices within your business helps reduce the volume of waste generated. This can lead to significant cost savings by reducing the consumption of paper, toner, and energy. Efficient use of resources directly translates to lower operational expenses.

Finally, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability enhances a company’s reputation. It shows stakeholders, including customers, employees and investors that the company is responsible and forward-thinking. Many employees prefer to work for companies that prioritise sustainability. Implementing eco-friendly practices can boost morale and engagement, contributing to a positive workplace culture.

Key initiatives

GREEN VALUED PRODUCTS: Part of Fujifilm’s environmentally conscious products and services, the Apeos range is certified as “Silver” and “Gold” ranking within Fujifilm’s “Green Value Products” and therefore, contributes to the reduction of environmental impact at a higher level than industries’ standard.

RECYCLED PLASTIC AND FLAME-RESISTANT BIO-BASED PLASTIC: We use recycled plastic for some of our plastic parts. In addition, to reduce the use of petroleum-based plastics, we use flame-resistant bio-based plastic parts made from “cellulose” obtained from wood materials.

RESOURCE CONSERVATION: Designed with functions that contribute to paper consumption reduction including private charge print, scan, paperless fax, pages per side, multiple up and more.

ENERGY CONSERVATION: Adopts IH fusing technologies that enable quick heating to eliminate the necessity of preheating in standby or power-saving modes, reducing power consumption. In addition, the smart power saving feature solely powers the required parts according to the functions being used.

SMART POWER SAVING TECHNOLOGY: Turns on and off when utilising specific functions, such as the document scanning units, operational panel, controller, and output unit. This technology enables the electricity consumption to reduce up to 7% in printing and up to 59% in scanning and fax.

SUPER EA-ECO TONER: A special toner that lowers the fusing temperature by between 30℃ to 35℃, compared with conventional EA toner (emulsion aggregation toner). With Super EA-Eco toner, power consumption can be reduced by approximately 54% in glossy mode compared to conventional EA toner, leading to a reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

Watch the video

Find out more about our EA-Eco Toner in the video below:

Want to know more?

Download our brochure for all of the facts about the sustainability capabilities of Apeos MFPs
